Spooky Stuff

NEW:  KilltheCableBill.com just published an interesting post featuring the favorite horror movies for each state.  South Dakota’s is “La Llorna”.  I liked that one, but would have to say “The Shining”, Colorado’s favorite is one of mine as well 😉  Take a look at their insightful, reasearch packed info and see if you agree with the others from your state 😉

I recently discovered podcasts and found an AMAZING podcast in which the moderator, Lex, reads stories people from all over the world send in about their own “spooky” encounters.  Some even send in audio files in which they tell their own stories.  The name is super creative, the Anything Ghost Show!  Click here to check it out: http://www.anythingghost.com/  Kudos for the creativity!  If you haven’t tried podcasts before, it’s WELL worth checking into!

An orb I captured while staying at the Haunted Bullock Hotel in Deadwood, South Dakota

An orb I captured while staying at the Haunted Bullock Hotel in Deadwood, South Dakota


Robert The Doll. I asked before taking his photo and thanked him after I took it. Thanks for posing so nicely, Robert!


Meeting Robert the Doll! I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time!! He was a perfect genteleman and let me get a couple very nice photos!

Links to all things paranormal and supernatural.  Awesome sites I’ve found that have info on Paranormal Places and Happenings, Ghost Stories and anything that tickles my fancy or sends shivers up my spine 😉

The theatre in the old casino in Petropolis, Brazil.  Check out the cool orb on the right hand side of the stage!

The theatre in the old casino in Petropolis, Brazil. Check out the cool orb on the right hand side of the stage!

Cemetery at Old Town, San Diego.  Taken while on a walking tour with Old Town's Most Haunted

Cemetery at Old Town, San Diego. Taken while on a walking tour with Old Town’s Most Haunted. Lots of orbs!

The flower garden in the backyard of the Waverly House, the reported "Most Haunted House in America".  Photo taken during the ghost tour with Old Town's Most Haunted.  Excellent Tour if you're ever in San Diego!  Can you find the orb in this photo?

The flower garden in the backyard of the Waverly House, the reported “Most Haunted House in America”. Photo taken during the ghost tour with Old Town’s Most Haunted. Excellent Tour if you’re ever in San Diego! Can you find the orb in this photo?

Old Town’s Most Haunted Tour – Old Town, San Diego. Awesome Tour!! – We all enjoyed this tour, and appreciated the fact that Michael wasn’t trying to make anyone believe, just sharing his experiences and stories.  Excellent tour!

Haunted North America – Awesome Site!  I especially enjoy the haunted photos!

Ghosts and Ghouls – A veritable jackpot of Ghost Stories.  Includes stories from many states.  Sadly, no South Dakota ones yet.  Very well-organized!

Paranormal Zone X – Not only Ghosts, but also UFOs, crop circles and all kinds of unexplainable phenomenon.

Creepy Pasta – A website recommended by my daughter, Aurora, who also loves all things spooky!  Full of ghost stories and parodies of ghost stories.

A Haunting in South Dakota Blog – This blogger from South Dakota (yay!) lives in a 70-year-old Haunted House and has a TON of reviews for horror movies.

American Folklore – Wonderful site with tons of stories, some funny ghost stories, some scary ghost stories as well as fables, fairy tales and folk tales for those who prefer something tamer 😉

Just out of curiousity……do you believe that orbs represent visiting spirits or is it just dust on the camera lens? 

9 Responses to Spooky Stuff

  1. Frances D says:

    I love spooky stuff too, especially haunted venues at Halloween time.

    • Beth says:

      It’s always nice to find a fellow fan of all things spooky, Frances! I’m a sucker for “haunted tours” and enjoy staying in haunted places when I can. It all fascinates me, but then I’ve never actually seen a spirit, so if that happens, it might be a different story 😉 Thanks for visiting and commenting. 🙂

  2. cathylass says:

    Sadly I think the orbs are just moisture in the air. 😦

    Otherwise I would have been living with thousands of spirits in a place in Edinburgh. 😀

    But there was something there, nothing bad or scary, just a presence by our bedroom window. I also believe there was something buried under the livingroom floor – the cats used to scrach the floor in a specific place like crazy. And talking of cats, there was a ghost cat in the hallway. 😀

    And yes, I belive in “ghosts”. I saw my grandfather 3 months after he’d passed.

  3. Beth says:

    You’re probably right about the moisture in the air in these pictures. I did get a huge orb, however on a photo I took at my grandmother’s funeral with the entire family gathered around in the chapel. I’m going to keep believing that was her way of sending a message. Unfortunately, I don’t have a digital copy of that one. I am so fascinated by stories of ghosts. The ghost cat sounds intriguing! I would love to hear more about your opportunity to see your grandfather again.

  4. These type of things freak us out but for some reason still intrigue us immensely 🙂

    • Beth says:

      Yes, me too! I’m fascinated and love investigating and reading about spooky stuff, but sometimes when I’m alone in bed at night, the “freak out” moments arrive 😉

      • YEP! When the lights are out… then all of sudden, there seems to be unexplained “noises”, right? Had a look at one of your links and have now gotten all freaked out about the Fairmont Hotel being haunted! LOL! We have always wanted to go visit there and now have just decided, we will visit but not stay! YIKES! 😉

  5. <3 missus <3 says:

    …I’ve never heard of those little round things in the photographs being orbs. I’m sure I’ve captured a few in my photography life. You made me curious. I will google that topic a bit more 😉

    • Beth says:

      My interest in them was piqued after my grandmother’s funeral. We took an extended family photo in the church and there was a huge orb right in the center of one of the photos and not in the others taken with the same camera from the same spot. Sadly, I don’t have that photo anymore, but I like to think that my grandmother wanted to jump in that photo with us. Most definitely there is no scientific proof that orbs are in fact anything but moisture or dust, but I still find it intriguing! 🙂

What do you think? Thanks for visiting! Have a positive, productive day!