Tangle Tuesday 6/27 – No Bad Days

Sunday might have been considered a “bad day” for me and my honey, but I think Paul Henderson has the right idea in the above quote. Sunday after church, I came home and filled up my bird feeders and was relaxing in my room when my sweetheart gave me a call. The conversation began in a normal way, but I soon found out that he had an accident and was going to be heading to the ER. I had something planned with my daughter, but thankfully my sister was able to fill in for me so I could be with Ted. He was on crutches when I got to his house. We headed to the ER where we were actually able to get in right away.

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.

Willie Nelson

The more than three hour visit brought dismaying news. His ACL was torn and in addition he had broken his tibial plateau, the bone at the top of the tibia, often known as the shin bone. Through the use of an X-ray and CT scan, the ER doctor determined that a visit to an Orthopedic specialist was in order as soon as possible. In the meantime, he was given a brace and instructed that no pressure should be placed on the left leg at all, not even resting his toes on the floor.

We are planning to leave on a trip to North Carolina where I will finally get the chance to meet Ted’s dad and stepmom. Hopefully the Orthopedic doctor will give us the green light to continue on the trip. Ted is a wee bit stubborn and says that we are going no matter what. We shall see. 😉

Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up.

Allen Klein

While bad things certainly happened on Sunday, it didn’t make it a bad day. I believe guardian angels were watching over him and prevented what happened from being even worse. If he had wrenched his back or hit his head, it could have been an injury that was impossible to bounce back from. Thankfully, he does have very good insurance and a considerable amount of sick time accrued. While this is definitely inconvenient and most certainly painful for him, maybe it will offer him an opportunity to sit back for a bit and let others do for him the way he does for everyone else.

Tomorrow morning we visit the Orthopedic specialist where we will find out more about recommended treatment and recovery. I pray that all goes well and he is cleared for travel. Whatever the outcome, however, I will (try to) remember that while we can’t control the circumstances, we can control our attitude. In the meantime, I will keep thinking positive thoughts! 💕

If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges.

Pat Riley

About Beth W.

I try to look for the positive in the people and situations I come in contact with! I believe in the power of positive thinking and I believe that even challenging circumstances can be learning experiences if we have a positive mindset! I'm having fun blogging at: http://picturingpositive.com
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9 Responses to Tangle Tuesday 6/27 – No Bad Days

  1. Some good quotes for sure. All the best to Ted. Hopefully all goes well and you can take your trip

  2. Lenora says:

    I’m so sorry to hear of Ted’s accident resulting in his injury. Prayers for his recovery ✨

  3. Hoping for as swift recovery as possible for Ted.

  4. usfman says:

    Best wishes for a productive orthopedist treatment for your mate.

  5. usfman says:

    Starting the fall routine seems promising. Thanks for asking.

What do you think? Thanks for visiting! Have a positive, productive day!